Our Brands

In the 1830s, Wu Zhesheng, the founder of the Great China Rubber Factory, ran into a team carrying a dowry on the criss-crossing streets of Suzhou. He saw boxes, cupboards, basins, barrels, tables, and chairs posted with the "double coin" pattern cut out of red paper, he couldn't help but touch his mind, thinking: Isn't it good to use double coin as a trademark? After he hurried back to the factory, he immediately asked for opinions, and everyone agreed: "double" is a word that people love to hear, "double" is a symbol of auspiciousness, and "coin" is a sign of prosperity. So the Double Coin trademark was decided.

  • 01

    It is homonymous with "Shuangquan", "A double auspicious, the best of both worlds".

  • 02

    The trademark is two ancient Chinese coins, with Chinese characteristics. It not only conforms to the outer circle of the tire, but also expresses the meaning of "booming money."

  • 03

    The left and right halves of the pattern are interdependent, presenting a scene of unity and harmony.

  • 04

    The trademark concept is consistent with the modern marketing concept: the pursuit of a win-win situation.

About Us

Company address 20th Floor, Hualun Mansion,
560 Xujiahui Rd.,
Huangpu Dist.,
Shanghai, China

Contact Number021-23537000


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